(Post and photos by Maya)
On the 5th day in Germany, we went Wattwanderung which is basically just walking through mud. We went when the tide was out and was saw some of the creatures that live in the mud.

When we reached the water we were given nets to catch shrimp and crabs if we could. If you did not keep walking in the mud you would sink. Some people sunk up to their knees. After that, we went to the Wasserskilift. We rented two paddle boats and got almost all of the German and American students on them. We were only supposed to have 4 people on each, however, we fit up to 8 or 9 at a time. After we left, my host mother took Teresa, Kitty, Leonie, and me to get ice cream. When we got home I was planning on going to bed but we decided to go over to Leonie's friend, Moana's house. While we were there, we walked down the street to see some horses.

When we got back to Moana's house, we talked about some of the differences between Europe and the US. By the time we got home, it was already midnight so I went straight to bed so I would be ready for the next day!