Everybody met at Dulles airport on Saturday for the flight out. Traffic coming from Hampton roads was heavy with constant unexplainable slowdowns, but we all made it with time to spare. Other than the traffic everything went off without a hitch; we got through security without problems; the flight to Amsterdam was smooth, on time, and the food wasn't all that bad; the flight to Bremen was equally pleasant, though way shorter; and all my travel companions were awesome.
Once we got our luggage in Bremen we walked through the doors and were welcome by a sea of Schwarz-Rot-Gold. Everybody was picked up by their respective host and we embarked on our last leg of the trip, the car ride home.

For the remainder of the day I spent time with my hosts and already went on a bike ride through the beautiful countryside. Then we settled in and watched the world cup final. I imagine the 9 Americans did much of the same, hopefully we can all get some sleep, because tomorrow is a busy day.